We often encounter backyard spaces that are unused for a variety of reasons. A lot of the time it’s hard to get grass to grow with dogs tearing the up the area or having lots of foot traffic from kids playing outside, etc. This outdoor space to the right had the issues listed above in addition to not draining water properly.
We were able to excavate the area and use our laser level to make sure that our surface elevations allowed water to drain properly off of the new patio space. We are very fast on these small projects. We were able to transform their backyard in only 3 working days over the course of a normal 5 day work week. This will provide plenty of area for a table and chairs and a grill to entertain friends. In addition we added a sidewalk around the Florida room to a very small existing patio adding functionality to their current features. Stamped concrete offers a competitive price coupled with the most durable, low maintenance surface that money can buy. Call the Decorative Concrete Experts today at 407-342-8552 to create the outdoor living space that you have always imagined.
We are proud to have completed Increte’s two day training course covering their full product line. Increte is an industry leader in decorative concrete and their products are specified by architects and designers for commercial projects from restaurants to shopping centers. Click here to visit Increte.com and see what is possible with concrete.

Increte also can create concrete stamps with your company logo or custom design. Here are a few Examples:

Visit our stamped concrete page for service in Orlando Florida.
Contact us today here.
The Decorative Concrete Experts of Orlando are your source for professional installation of stamped concrete. When you are looking to add Stamped Concrete to your home or business, it is best to start by looking at the basic construction of the building that the concrete will be accenting. The key to this process is by choosing a surface that will complement the structure, not try to match it. For instance, on a brick home it may be a good choice to implement a brick border on your driveway or walkway but not necessarily install a solid stamped brick pattern. With stamped concrete, incorporating the right color is just as important as choosing the right pattern. Again, the key is not to match but to use hues from the building or complementary tones into the stamping work.
Looking at stamped concrete patterns can be overwhelming. This is where in can be beneficial to talk to a stamped concrete installer. A quality installer will own as many as five or ten popular patterns and will know which ones will work with your project. An installer that owns many sets of stamp mats is serious about this business because these sets are very expensive to purchase. Ask a stamped concrete contractor that you’re meeting with to bring by some common mats that they own to see if any will suit your needs. If the contractor rents his/her stamping mats, it may be best to steer clear.
When the stamped concrete is part of a building remodel or larger landscape project, it can be helpful to get input from the architect or landscape designer. There are lots of online sources for stamped concrete ideas if you are lost. We are a certified installer for Increte Systems and can help you implement any of their products in your project. Increte recommends us for project inquiries in Orlando and surrounding areas. Click here to see Increte’s site for stamped concrete and other decorative finishes. Doing an internet search can be a very valuable source of ideas for your stamped concrete project. The best part is that you can easily print out a copy to show a stamped concrete installer. Now that you are interested in decorative concrete you will probably start to recognize a lot more of it when you least expect it. If you come across some stamped concrete that you really like, take a picture or take note color and pattern. Replicating decorative concrete is made much easier when you have lots of details and pictures available.
There are many great examples of stamped concrete in our theme parks here in Orlando. Stamped concrete is widely used in theme parks for its durability, relative low cost, and ease of maintenance. While visiting the parks keep an eye out for design ideas and which patterns that would work well on your particular project. Contact the Decorative Concrete Experts in Orlando for all of your stamped concrete needs at 407-342-8552.